On Thursday the kids had swim practice and on the way back had a moose sighting! It is so funny how everyone stops on the side of the road to take pictures, but of course so did Christian and the kids. This moose hung out in the same spot all day. It was still there when we drove by to go to dinner at 7:30 (our first night out with no kids!!). According to Chopper (whose daughter, Megan, babysit and was awesome) they are quite sedentary during the day and move around mostly at night. I was worried it was sick, but apparently not. Look at his rack. Pretty impressive.
Bronson and I got a chance to say hello to Beau Higgins and his family as they moved through the area on their way to an eventual permanent stop in NC. They have quite the road trip happening. You can keep up with him on his FB page.
This was a busy day as June, Christian and all the kids took a long hike by Jenny Lake. They hiked up to Hidden Falls and then Inspiration Point. We didn't fail on the pictures this time! See below...There are lots so make sure you scroll to the bottom!
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