Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trip over The Pass

Since we were so close we took a quick trip over Teton Pass into Idaho.  The view from the top was somewhat obscured by smoke.  Scroll down to see where the smoke was coming from...

This was taken from the top of Teton Pass.  That is the fire rising over the butte south of town in Jackson.  The fire fighters did an amazing job of containing this fire and steering it away from people and property.  You can see the lights in Jackson and Wilson in the foreground.  

Yellowstone with Shellie and Marci

When Shellie and Marci were here we took a day to drive up to Yellowstone as Shellie had never been.  It was a gorgeous day as you can see.  Following are many of the amazing geysers to be seen...

Currently not locating the video of Old Faithful's eruption.  Will post as soon as I find it in this computer!!

The smell of sulphur is sometimes pretty gross!

One of my favorites!  This and next several shots.

Tracks of passing animals.  

We stopped at Jackson Lake Lodge on our way home.  The view from their deck is amazing!

When we got home we found out that particular "haze" was from the fire that had just begun to burn in the southern part of Jackson.  It has just recently been extinguished.